From the National Journal:
Among Democrats, Obama's job approval is about 5 percentage points away from where he needs to be. Three-fourths of self-identified liberals approve of Obama's performance to date. He needs these numbers to be higher. Liberal white Democrats and African-Americans are solid Obama supporters. But Obama's approval rating has dropped significantly among Latino voters (73 percent when he was elected; 54 percent now, according to Gallup), and slightly among younger voters (ages 18 to 29) who were hardest hit by the economic sluggishness. While 55 percent among this group is stronger than it was half a year ago, according to a huge Institute of Politics poll released last week, it needs to be higher. Still, in the absence of a Republican foil, these are generally sufficient numbers for the president. At this point in 1995, more than 4 in 10 Democrats wanted a primary challenger for Bill Clinton; fewer than 2 in 10 do for Obama.Among Democrats Obama has nothing to fear in regards to a primary challenger and without an obivous Republican challenger Obama's 'base' is holding steady (except among Latino voters and that is a problem considering that they turned out strong in 2008 and 2010).
So, "The Left," "The Progressives," and "Young Whiny Democrats," are nothing more than the result of an over active imigination on the part of Obama Loyalists! Doesn't surprise me because outside of normal trends I didn't see much to show that a whole bunch of Leftists stayed home in 2010!
Now, thanks to the Ryan, "Path To Prosperity" the Democrats can rally the base and reach out to the moderates; too bad they always have to wait for the Republicans to come up with something to which they can then define themsleves by!
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